
EVs: The Drive to Sustainability

EVs: The Drive to Sustainability

Amid the worsening of climate change, the focus has shifted to using sustainable alternatives. Transportation industries worldwide are switching the gears from petroleum-driven vehicles to electric vehicles (EVs). 

Many companies are now developing EVs, including airplanes and buses. EVs are on the rise for being the cleaner and greener choice.

Fuelled by Petroleum

Photo by Erik Mclean via Unsplash

For decades, petroleum, a fossil fuel, has served a great purpose in different industries. However, like many other resources, it is limited and will eventually run out. With the current consumption rate, statistics show there are about 47 years of oil left in the world. As a matter of fact, the Philippines has only 1 year of oil reserves remaining. 

Petroleum is one of the top pollutants, disrupting and destroying the lives of many living organisms. In fact, even a thin layer of oil can poison and suffocate many plants and animals, as well as interrupt human activities.

On top of that, the wide use of petroleum exposes humans to harmful vapours, such that it damages the nervous system and increases the risk of cancer. The effect on human lives doesn’t stop there. Because oil spills are difficult to clean up, they can easily spread and contaminate other bodies of water, including the 3% of potable water on earth.

Powered by Electricity

Photo by CHUTTERSNAP via Unsplash

Switching to EVs not only slows down the depletion of the resource but protects both the environment and society. Instead of petroleum, EVs are “fuelled” by electricity. With technology advancements, even charging EVs can be sustainable as well as more affordable.

PV systems, or solar power systems, are growing in popularity and are slowly incorporated into EV charging stations, becoming the only source of electricity. Despite the concern of increased demand, the use of PV systems actually allows for the EV charging station to be completely off-grid. 

Without the dependency on petroleum, humans can rest assured that they are safe from contaminated water and toxic fumes.

The Issue of Using Petroleum

Photo by Matt Boitor via Unsplash

Apart from oil pollution, gasoline-powered vehicles are also notorious for contributing to air pollution. Like any other fossil fuel, using up petroleum also releases greenhouse gases (GHG), specifically carbon dioxide. 

In fact, the burning of petroleum from transportation makes up over 23% of the carbon dioxide emissions in the world. Each year, almost 50 billion tons of GHG are emitted worldwide, with carbon dioxide making up 70% of the GHGs.

Here is the issue, as GHGs continue to be emitted, climate change will also worsen. The only way to stop this is zero-emissions. In 2020, many human activities came to a halt when a pandemic happened. However, this only decreased GHG emissions by 5%.

The Future with EVs

Photo by Michael Fousert via Unsplash

By promoting the use of EVs, it is expected for GHG emissions to decrease drastically. Assuming it travels about 18500 kilometres, a typical passenger vehicle can emit 4.6 tons of GHG per year. 

Although this number may seem small, there are over 4 billion vehicles globally, each releasing varying amounts of GHGs. Imagine how many metric tons of GHGs can be reduced per year if these vehicles are replaced with EVs. 

On the opposite end, EVs do not release GHGs. Instead, they dissipate heat. Indirectly, charging EVs and the manufacturing of their batteries can emit GHGs. By promoting renewable energy or using PV systems, the use of EVs can be significantly better for the environment as well as human health. 

At Solenergy, we can help you fast-forward a more sustainable future with our high-quality and affordable solar technology. Let’s work together in protecting the environment and our health. Get in touch with Solenergy today!

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